Custom Upload Form

You can use a custom upload form for links that support uploading. This allows you to present an uploading interface within any website, so you can promote your brand. Your contacts will feel secure that they're submitting files to your site, not an unknown third-party. No matter where the upload form is hosted, any files uploaded are securely transferred to your SmartFile site.

Form Setup

Your custom upload form is an HTML form, which you can design from scratch or by starting with our downloadable template. The upload form must follow certain rules to correctly upload files.

Your form should use "post" as the method and "multipart/form-data" for the enctype. The action should be the address of your link (it's the same public address that your contacts would visit in a web browser to access the link). You can also specify a "next" query parameter in your form action, which contains the URL of a page to redirect the visitor to after the uploads are completed.

You can use any HTML input elements you wish in your form, but that ancillary data will not be stored within your SmartFile installation.

Template Form

To kickstart your development, administrators can download a template upload form in the web interface.

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